The new standard in industrial classification

Real-Time Industrial Classifications

Liberate yourself from the limitations of SIC codes and outdated data. Our expert-led RTICs™ provide a comprehensive, real-time view of the economy, showcasing over 400 emerging sectors including Net Zero, AgriTech, FinTech and AI.

RTICs screen

What are RTICs™?

Real-Time Industry Classifications (RTICs™) are The Data City’s innovative solution to outdated SIC codes.

RTICs™ provide accurate, dynamic classifications of industries, reflecting today’s business landscape. By leveraging AI and machine learning, RTICs™ deliver precise insights into sectors like FinTech and CleanTech, ensuring you have real-time data at your fingertips.

Built in partnership with sector experts, RTICs™ encompass over 400 proprietary classifications, empowering you to understand and navigate the complexities of modern industries. With RTICs™, you can make informed decisions with confidence.

Discover Emerging Sectors

Unlock insights into over 400 emerging economy sectors. From Net Zero to AgriTech, FinTech, and AI, explore the cutting-edge trends shaping tomorrow.

Built with sector experts

Access data built with government and experts. Our RTICs combine AI and human expertise to bring you comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge industries.

Build your own classifications

Create your own custom classifications in seconds with our machine learning platform and map whole sectors with the help of our data experts.

The SIC code problem

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, last updated in 2007, are outdated and misaligned with today’s dynamic industries like FinTech and AI. This rigid, one-size-fits-all system leads to misclassification, vague insights and missed opportunities.

Organisations relying on SIC codes face costly, time-consuming manual searches without real-time data. Our RTICs offer a modern solution, providing accurate insights that truly reflect the current business landscape.

View our expert-led RTICs™

  • Sector Code Description Records
  • RTIC0001 AdTech 758 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0065 Advanced Manufacturing 11397 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0034 Advanced Materials 2663 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0072 Agency Market 13743 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0003 AgriTech 1257 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0004 Artificial Intelligence 3452 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0080 Autonomy and Robotics 908 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0083 Biopharmaceutical 1188 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0069 Business Support Services 34084 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0047 CleanTech 4698 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0005 Computer Hardware 1739 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0061 Cryptocurrency Economy 1193 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0006 Cyber 5662 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0007 Data Infrastructure 9599 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0077 Data Intermediaries 1051 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0059 Design and Modelling Technologies 1712 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0064 Digital Creative Industries 13422 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0074 E-Commerce 1553 companies View Sector
  • RTIC1111 ESG 1015 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0010 EdTech 1604 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0067 Electronics Manufacturing 7146 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0011 Energy Generation 7823 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0012 Energy Management 3132 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0013 Energy Storage 2408 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0085 Engineering Biology Application 857 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0086 Engineering Biology Supply Chain 891 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0052 FinTech 5558 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0057 Food Tech 3171 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0016 Gaming 1614 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0008 Geospatial Economy 2890 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0018 Immersive Technologies 2103 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0081 In-Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing 1363 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0020 Internet of Things 711 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0075 Land Remediation 1487 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0076 Legal Services 9882 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0078 Life Sciences 20281 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0084 Marine and Maritime 5666 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0058 MedTech 1454 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0068 Media and Publishing 9291 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0063 Modular Construction 665 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0055 Net Zero 21869 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0026 Omics 588 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0062 Pharma 2332 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0027 Photonics 1219 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0051 Quantum Economy 537 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0087 Quantum Technology 101 companies
  • RTIC0073 Rehabilitation 4687 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0070 Research and Consulting – Physical Sciences and Engineering 11412 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0030 Sensors 2476 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0079 Software Development 6620 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0029 Software as a Service (SaaS) 2966 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0066 Space Economy 2178 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0082 Space Energy 1044 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0060 Streaming Economy 588 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0031 Supply Chain Logistics 3594 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0056 Telecommunications 6493 companies View Sector
  • RTIC0033 Wearables and Quantified Self 476 companies View Sector

Can’t find a specific RTIC or industry?

Let’s build it! As well as access to our existing database of 400+ RTICs™, we can also help you and your organisation build bespoke custom classifications and map new emerging sectors in our platform. Get in touch today to find out more.

If you care about technology driven economic growth, you should care about RTICs
Stian Westlake CEO Royal Statistical Society