For Lead Generation Agencies

Find leads, drive efficiency and boost conversions for your clients

Help your clients find more of their ideal customers and boost their results with real-time company data.

The platform for specialist B2B lead generation agencies

Our platform empowers you to find more of your clients’ ideal customers with precision, using real-time data, smart company list building and advanced filters.

Find more of your client’s ICP

Deliver exceptional results by finding companies that perfectly match your clients’ Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). With The Data City’s AI list builder and advanced filters, you can quickly build lists tailored to their specific needs.

Share insights in real-time

Don’t just share excel lists with your clients. With The Data City platform you can present compelling audience insights and showcase overviews of prospects using our ANALYSE tool.

Become an industry expert in minutes

Access 400+ Real-Time Industrial Classifications (RTICs) like AI and Quantum. Built with machine learning and industry expertise, our RTICs help you quickly find key companies and gain deep sector insights.

Key features that make you stand out

Company lookalikes

Use our list builder to find ‘lookalike’ companies based on your clients’ existing customers or prospects. Simply input their current list to discover new, high-potential opportunities.

Advanced keyword filters

Whether targeting industries, specific activities, or niche sectors, our filters help you pinpoint the right companies every time, driving more conversion for your clients.

Next level company data

Access insights on company activities, financials and sector-specific classifications. With detailed company profiles, you’ll deliver deeper insights and more accurate prospecting for your clients.

What our customers say

  • “SIC Codes often miss many companies that interest us. RTICs allow us to find these companies.”
    Tom Carnay Univeristy of Southampton

    Tom Carnay
    Innovation Programme Lead

  • “Working with The Data City has changed and improved the quality of the conversations that we have and want to have.”

    Matt Robinson
    Head of Nations and Regions, techUK

  • “Through this visual mapping project, Greater Manchester will be able to showcase our success in the digital sector.”
    Photo of Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester

    Andy Burnham
    Mayor Greater Manchester

  • “If you want a more dynamic and innovative view of your economy, you should definitely consider The Data City.”

    Professor Delma Dwight
    Director, Midlands Engine Observatory

  • “We support the use of the innovative technology at The Data City as a force for good, as we help emerging sectors and existing companies in the recovery from COVID-19”

    James Lewis
    Deputy Mayor, West Yorkshire

  • “It fills quite a big gap in the current understanding of how economies can function.”

    Josh Stott
    Head of Steer Economic Development

  • “The major value add is the building of real-time industry classifications.”

    Raquel Ortega-Argilés
    Professor of Regional Economic Development at Alliance Manchester Business School