The Data City global data
Global Database

Find Businesses on a Global Scale

What if Google could instantly provide detailed insights on over 100 million companies worldwide? With The Data City, it can. Explore comprehensive business data across nine territories and make informed decisions with ease.

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Introducing Our Global Platform

The Data City is pleased to announce the launch version of our global product.

Building on the success of our UK platform, our global product will take the interface, data and functionality our clients are used to and combine it with an expanding global dataset across 11 core territories. All underpinned by CreditSafe’s global company financial data.

Going Global—what it means and why it matters

See what our CEO and Co-Founder, Alex Craven, has to say about our Global product and the impact of Global data.

Our Core Global Dataset

We’re excited to be partnering with CreditSafe to provide a core global offer of over 100 million company records across 9 core territories. This includes:

    • United States – 84 million companies
    • France – 8.5 million companies
    • Germany – 2.7 million companies
    • Italy – 2.3 million companies
    • Netherlands – 1.4 million companies
    • Belgium – 860k companies
    • Norway – 960k companies
    • Denmark – 530k companies
    • Sweden – 950k companies
    • Ireland – 310k companies
    • Luxembourg – 167k companies
    • Total of over 108m million companies worldwide