
AgriTech around the world

A few weeks ago I shared how our global product lets you build lists of companies using AI that go beyond Britain. In just a few hours I built a list of kombucha brewers and highlighted two fantastic small businesses in rural France. 

But what about our pre-existing Real-Time Industrial Classifications (RTICs)? We already classify the UK’s companies into 59 RTIC sectors (hopefully more if you’re reading this in the future) and I’ve shown how we can project these classifications onto global companies. 

Let’s look at another example. Our global product shares much of its user interface with our UK product, so it’s simple to select an RTIC. Here I’ve selected two verticals of the AgriTech sector that I know well, AgSciences and Precision Farming. 

In our UK product, 525 companies are classified into these verticals. The number might be different today because our industrial classifications are real-time. 

In our global product, 3329 companies across the world are classified into the same verticals. 

AgScience or Precision Farming companies by country

Because our global product uses a slightly different mechanism for matching companies to domain names we only find 308 of the 525 British companies we find in our UK product. We are working on improving this. 

Another feature we’re working on is how our UK RTICs project onto global companies. Where websites are in English, these work well. This means that our global RTICs already work well in countries like the USA and Ireland. Where websites are not in English, most frequently in countries like Germany and Italy, we find fewer companies. 

This means that for the moment our global product isn’t great at saying whether the Netherlands or Ireland has more AgriTech firms. But this doesn’t stop us from finding fantastic AgriTech companies. 

For example, from France we find the 10 employee startup in Lyon, Nextprotein. 

Nextprotein company overview

Sure enough, they are pioneers in using insects to produce animal feed. Astonishingly they have not yet been featured in The Economist’s special article on using insects as livestock feed. 

Nextprotein Mission page

Right across Europe and North America we find similar companies, with information on their size, location, and activities. For years we’ve helped businesses, investors, academics, governments and more find interesting British companies in fast-growing and strategically important sectors of the economy.

Today, whether you’re using our existing RTICs or building your own ML lists, our global product can replace days of manual work in Google and other search engines with a few clicks in exactly the same way. 

Interested in finding out more about our Global Platform? You can find out more about the tool and sign up for a free trial today

You can also sign up for our upcoming global webinar where we’ll be showcasing the platform for the first time. 

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