Understand companies & sectors in real-time
Stop wasting time on outdated SIC codes and manual research. Understand what companies really do. Get instant insights on 9M+ UK companies across 400+ industries – powered by AI.
Used by industry-leading policymakers, investors & organisations
Stop using Google and SIC codes to find companies.
Still relying on SIC codes and endless Google searches? There’s a better way.
Understand what companies do in real-time with our AI-powered search and classification database.
Master the market in minutes with access to 9 million UK companies, 400+ mapped industries, and extensive company data.
Explore 400+ emerging sectors & industries
Go beyond outdated SIC codes and endless Google searches. Become a sector expert in minutes with RTICs.
Real-Time Industrial Classifications (RTICs) offer a precise and up-to-date view of over 400 emerging sectors. Developed with industry experts and the UK government, these classifications reflect the latest market trends and high-growth industries – from AI and Quantum Technology to Life Sciences and Net Zero.

Build custom sector lists in minutes with AI
Stuck using static company lists and classifications for research?
Find companies and map niche sectors in a matter of minutes with the power of AI machine learning and our ML List Builder.
Simply add a few relevant companies or use keywords, and our algorithm will do the rest. Building you a bespoke classification before your eyes.