Data that drives decision-making
Get a real-time view of the UK’s entire business base with our extensive suite of company & sector information, RTICs, detailed financials, growth metrics, jobs & skills data and much more.

- 0 UK Companies
- 0 Operating locations
- 0 Emerging sectors
- 0 URLs matched
What makes us different?
Comprehensive Data
With The Data City you get access to a lot more for a lot less. Our comprehensive platform of UK company and sector data includes over 90+ datapoints including detailed financials, company info and growth measures.
Growth measures
We’ve spent years researching and building an unmatched understanding of growth, investment and innovation. Unearth high-growth start-ups and view emerging sectors in a matter of minutes, with our key growth measures and estimates.
We don’t rely on outdated and inaccurate SIC codes. Our platform includes over 400+ emerging economy Real-Time Industrial Classifications (RTICs) built from the ground up with the UK’s leading industry experts and authorities.
Under the hood
Get a true view of the UK’s emerging economy with in-depth financial information, company records, investment data, growth measures and much more.
- Company
- Sector
- Financial
- Jobs & skills
- Growth
Get real-time data for over 9 million UK companies, including active and struck off (dissolved) organisations.
- Company information – name, number, company type, incorporation date
- People – directors, shareholders, persons with significant control
- Website – URL, description, sector keywords, innovation keywords
- Contact – Email, social media, telephone
- Locations – registered address, operating locations
- Group structure – parent company, parent location, ultimate parent company, ultimate parent location
Access our growing database of 400+ emerging economy classifications and sector verticals.
- Real-time Industrial Classifications (RTICs) – 400+
- Standard Industrial Classifications (SICs) – 730
- SIC sections – 21
- Custom Industrial Classifications (CICs)
View detailed company financial and investment information.
- Full financials (past 6 years)
- Estimated employees
- Estimated turnover
Access detailed job postings and skills data provided by Lightcast. Available as an upgrade.
- Job postings (SOC4 classification)
- Job postings (median salary)
- Job postings – specialised skills
- Job postings – common skills
- Job postings – certification skills
- Job postings – software skills
Access funding data by and find true growth at any level, with growth measures for companies, verticals, sectors, regions and beyond.
- Per round funding – type, amount, date, investor
- Spinout flag
- Growth trajectory – employees, turnover
- Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
- Company growth stage estimate
- Innovate UK funding
- 360Giving funding
- Job postings
Our partners
We work with the world’s most trusted data providers and partners to bring you an experience you won’t get anywhere else. You’ll find data from Companies House, CreditSafe,, Lightcast, Innovate UK, 360 Giving and much more.
Access in-depth jobs & skills data from Lightcast, the global leader in labor market analytics.
- How frequently is your data updated?
Our data is updated bi-monthly, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information. Update frequency may vary for specific data sets. If you have questions about a particular data set, please contact our support team for assistance.
- Where do you get your data from?
We get our data from a variety of sources. Our main source is Companies House of which all our data stems from. We use web scraping and our partners to enrich our data.
- How accurate is your data?
This is highly dependent on the field of concern and may depend on the source of the data however our data is one of the most accurate UK business databases in the world. Our data sources are highly reputable and our rigorous processing methods help maintain our reliability on being a data provider. Our update frequency and QA process ensures our data is trusted by our customers.
- Do you include operating locations?
Yes. We use multiple data sources including web scraping and our partners to source this data. We have over 7m locations for over 5m businesses of which we’re always improving coverage and accuracy.