The Data City Wins Government Contract to Map the Future of the UK Economy

We have recently secured a contract with the government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to help map out the future of the UK economy.

Referred to us in 2019, BEIS were looking for a data and technology platform to help them accurately classify emerging sectors of the UK economy. Following a competitive tender process in which The Data City platform scored highest of the bidders, the BEIS ‘Future Economy’ selected The Data City platform for the task.

We are pioneering a 21st century industrial classification methodology: our proprietary ‘RTIC’ code or (Real-Time Industry Classification), accurately identifies organisations within specific industry sectors in real time, using machine-learning to accurately classify companies operating within the UK.

Alex Craven, co-founder at The Data City says “This contract win is a fantastic validation of our platform and the unique strengths of our technology. We scored very highly in the bid (over 90%) against some tough competition, a great result.”

A high profile client at the heart of government policy is just what we have been looking for to demonstrate the power of our amazing platform. Despite Covid, 2020 has been a great year for us: we recently identified a dataset which shows that the UK AI sector has increased in size by 145% since 2010, plus in the summer we used our ground-breaking technologies to identify over 2,300 cyber security businesses in the UK, 95% more than estimated by recent analysis carried out by the government itself.

For more information or to request sample data or a free trial, get in touch today.

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