Life at The Data City

The Data City placements are shaping tomorrow’s innovators 

We believe that hands-on experience is one of the most valuable tools for learning and growth. Our placement program is designed to provide aspiring individuals with the opportunity to immerse themselves in real-world projects, develop new skills, and become integral members of our forward-thinking team.  

Over the last few months, we’ve had the pleasure of hosting two remarkable individuals – Charlotte and Hamzah – whose journeys with us has not only contributed to our work but also led to their own personal and professional development. 

Through this program, Charlotte and Hamzah have had the chance to learn more about our cutting-edge technologies, contribute to important client projects, and witness firsthand how data can shape industries and drive innovation.  

Let’s take a closer look at how their placements unfolded, what they’ve learned, and the unique opportunities that made their time at The Data City both impactful and memorable. 

Charlotte’s experience 

After almost 3 months at The Data City, my time here is coming to a close. When I began, I never thought I would be allowed to be as involved as I was.  

This company has an amazing openness and collaborative feel to it, where I got to see what everyone across the business was working on and anyone could add feedback and ideas. In my short time here I’ve actively seen the product grow, improve and innovate, and I think I’ve grown a bit with it. 

One of the most exciting things I did was the work with the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) to map the UK space sector. It was fascinating to dive into such a niche and pioneering industry and discover technologies I had no idea existed, space-based solar power being just one example.  

This experience also gave me the opportunity to work directly with clients, which was something I was initially quite nervous about. However, the helpful team here supported me through each step, and by the end of it I felt comfortable and confident engaging with clients. That’s something I never thought I would say! 

Another unexpected takeaway from my time at The Data City was discovering a new skill: writing. During my placement, I was (nicely) pushed into writing blog posts, something I wouldn’t have done on my own. At first, the idea of putting my thoughts into words for a public audience was intimidating, but once I started, I found that I quite enjoy it!  

It’s been a great way to reflect on the work we’re doing and share insights in a more personal way. 

I came into this placement eager to learn more about tech and data, but I’m leaving with much more than that. I’ve developed new skills and gained confidence in areas I wasn’t expecting. The Data City has been an incredibly supportive and innovative environment, and I’ll always be grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a forward-thinking company.  

Hamzah’s experience 

When I started my placement at The Data City, I knew I was going to be working with data, but what I didn’t realise was how I’d understand data differently by the end, and how much I would be involved in the business itself. 

My primary responsibility involved working at the heart of the business – Real-Time Industry Classifications (RTICs). It was exciting to be entrusted with such a key role. Collaborating with the entire team to achieve our goals was a truly rewarding experience.  

The RTIC creation process is rigorous and meant that I got to work closely with so many members of the team, getting feedback on my work through the process, quickly adapting, improving and developing. As well as then supporting the quality assurance processes which gave me a deeper understanding of the whole journey. 

One of the biggest surprises for me was how much client interaction was built into my role. It’s one of the values of the business, and they take customer feedback seriously, constantly developing the product based on what the users want. At first, the idea of jumping into meetings with real clients was a bit intimidating, but it turned out to be one of the most rewarding parts of the placement. 

One of the other big things that stood out was the energy of the company. The team are committed, proud and engaged with the purpose of the product, which really made me realise how much I enjoy being in this type of forward-thinking business – one with a genuine purpose 

For anyone considering applying for a placement here, I’d say apply. It’s an experience that gives you insights you won’t get from larger companies or academics. And the best part? You get to see the real difference your work makes, which, for me, was the most rewarding part of all. 

If you’re interested in working for The Data City or want to talk to us about placement opportunities, get in touch with us.  

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