Exploring the UK’s Quantum Technology sector with real-time data

In this blog post we’ll take a closer look at the UK’s innovative and fast-growing Quantum Technology sector, showcasing the data found in our platform and insights from our free RTIC reports.

At the time of writing this, in The Data City platform we have data for over 450 emerging economy sectors and verticals. We call them Real-Time Industrial Classifications or RTICs for short.

Going beyond traditional, outdated methods of understanding growing industries and companies, RTICs classify companies using machine learning and input from industry experts.

Our Quantum Technology RTIC

A good example of one of our RTICs is our Quantum Technology RTIC.

Built in partnership with the Department for Science, Innovation & Technology, Government Office for Science, and Innovate UK Business Connect, this RTIC was to produced help map the UK’s quantum sector in unprecedented detail.

This powerful resource is used not only by our partners but also by our customers across public policy, economic development, and investment.

Whether you’re developing policy strategies, scouting investment opportunities or conducting cutting-edge research, the Quantum Technology RTIC gives you the power to see the full landscape of this emerging sector.

Quantum Technology companies

Within our EXPLORE tool, simply selecting the Quantum Technology RTIC filter instantly provides a comprehensive list of 100 businesses across the UK developing and selling next-generation quantum technologies.

This includes big name player such as BT, Leonardo and Vodafone, but also fast-growing SMEs such as SEEQC and Oxford Ionic – a specialist in building the world’s most powerful quantum computers. Originally a spin out of the University of Oxford.

Oxford Ionic company page in our platform

For example, our platform shows Oxford Ionics growing at an impressive +121% per year, following its series A funding in January 2023 and additional grant funding in August 2023.

From the list of companies in an RTIC, you’re able to dig into individual companies and view a range of financial and growth data, access director information, see similar companies and more. We house a range of data from Dealroom, Lightcast, CreditSafe, Companies House and many other 3rd party data providers.

This data allows for detailed sector analysis, giving a holistic view of what companies are doing, where they’re headed, and their contribution to the UK economy.

Quantum Technology sector overview

For a broader view, our ANALYSE tool provides powerful insights into the sector as a whole.

We also publish a snapshot of these insights in our free to download RTIC reports – which are updated every month.

You can download our latest Quantum Technology RTIC report, which offers a snapshot view of the sector’s performance, including growth rates, employee numbers, and turnover.

Quantum Technology RTIC overview – 11/09/2024

At a glance, the data shows that quantum technology companies are growing at an annual rate of 32.6%, making it one of our fastest-growing RTICs.

Quantum tech has received over £2.7 billion in total investment funding, £178m in Innovate UK grant funding, with companies contributing nearly £30 billion in total turnover.

Our top-level RTICs are split into several key sector verticals or specialisms. Within our Quantum Technology RTIC, we’ve categorised companies into the following verticals: Quantum Computing, Quantum Sensing, Quantum Communication and Quantum Materials.

Quantum Technology vertical overview – 11/09/2024

Each vertical offers distinct growth trajectories, with Quantum Communication companies currently leading in terms of employees, turnover, and job postings.

Beyond the numbers

What makes The Data City platform different? It’s not just the breadth of data we offer but the depth and flexibility.

You can select an RTIC, apply custom filters, and immediately dive into a wealth of data points – from GVA estimates and job postings to company growth rates and location data.

Whether you’re mapping a sector for economic strategy, identifying investment opportunities, or conducting detailed policy analysis, our RTICs offer a level of detail that surpasses traditional methods like SIC codes.

Download our free report

We pride ourselves on publishing in the open and giving everyone the opportunity to see our data in action.

For a snapshot view of the companies at the forefront of quantum advancements in the UK, we recommend you download our free snapshot report. It includes a top line view of the sector and our RTIC.

Interested in seeing more and getting hands-on with our data, why not sign up for a free trial of our platform.

Note: our platform uses real-time data. The data and insights shown in the blog are correct as of 11/09/2024

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